
All references to “Company” shall mean ELEVATE CATERING, INC. The Company trademark as well as certain logos and other marks used on this website, (the “Website”), are owned by Company or its affiliates. You should assume that everything you see or read on this Website is owned by Company or used by Company with permission. You may not copy, use or retransmit anything from or on the Website without permission. You may download one copy of the contents of the Website to one computer for your personal and noncommercial home use provided you do not change any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice. Any commercial or promotional distribution, publishing or exploitation of the site or any of its content, code, data or materials thereon is strictly prohibited. You are prohibited from engaging in any conduct that interferes with the technological operation of the site or that tampers with any copyright protection applicable to the content of the Website. Ignoring this policy may result in copyright, trademark or other intellectual property violations.

This Website provides you with an opportunity to communicate with us. Please be aware that any content you communicate — whether it be suggestions, ideas, graphics or other material — to Company through the Website or otherwise will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. Anything you submit or transmit becomes the property of Company and Company is free to use, without being limited thereto, any ideas, concepts, suggestions, graphics, photography or know-how contained in any communication for any purpose whatsoever, whether commercial or noncommercial, without payment of any compensation to you.